General education learning outcomes

General education learning outcomes (GELOs) are overarching skills that are taught in the general education core requirements at LBHC. LBHC’s general education requirements include Crow language (3-6 credits), Crow studies (3 credits), quantitative reasoning (3-4 credits), college writing (3 credits), college seminar (3 credits), skills for success (1 credit), natural science (7-8 credits), diversity & social science (3 credits), and arts and humanities (3 credits). See LBHC's 2022-23 assessment plan and report and its 2023-24 assessment plan for a list of annual goals and progress regarding the GELO assessment process.

Summary of 2022-23 faculty reflections on general education learning outcomes assessment (07.11.2023)
2023-24 blank template GELO assessment reports (Word documents)
Arts and humanities
College seminar
College writing
Crow language
Crow studies
Diversity and social science
Natural science
Quantitative reasoning
Skills for success

2022-23 completed GELO assessment reports
Arts and humanities: CS 133 (Sharon)
College seminar: BU 122 (Jamie), HS 231 / CA 211 (Gretchen)
College writing: CA 101 (Gretchen), CA 201 (Gretchen)
Crow language: CS 101 (Vance)
Crow studies: CS 137 (Tim)
Diversity and social science: PY 101 (Eric)
Natural science: SC 121/125 (Neva), SC 114 (Sara), SC 244 (Sara)
Quantitative reasoning: MA 130 (Dorci), MA 121 (Jonah), MA 216 (Amber)
Skills for success: ED 100 (Patricia)